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Printed Timeline Poster - Middle Ages 400-1400 AD


Our Timeline Posters are now available in print!


Each timeline poster measures approximately 33x46 inches (A0) and are in full color or black & white. They are printed on 65lb paper (96 gsm) and are silk-coated so they have a nice gloss coating.


Currently, posters can be shipped to the following countries:

United States


United Kingdom

New Zealand



They will come rolled in a sturdy tube that can be used for long-term storage. The posters are strong and when unrolled, they lay flat.


There is a flat rate worldwide postage charge of $9.95 US. If you order one poster, or five, you will only be charged $9.95.


Important information:

Please allow 10-14 days for handling and shipping. We cannot accept returns as we are using an off-shore on-demand print service. Even though the posters are packaged very well in strong tubes, if the posters do arrive damaged, we can help with a replacement. Please contact us ASAP for help.

Middle Ages 400-1400 AD - Printed Timeline Poster



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