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Printed Timeline Poster - Modern Age 1850-2030 AD


Our Timeline Posters are now available in print!


Each timeline poster measures approximately 33x46 inches (A0) and is in full color or black and white. They are printed on 65lb paper (96 gsm) and are silk-coated so they have a nice gloss coating.


Currently, posters can be shipped to the following countries:

United States


United Kingdom

New Zealand



They will come rolled in a sturdy tube that can be used for long-term storage. The posters are strong and when unrolled, they lay flat.


There is a flat rate worldwide postage charge of $9.95 US. If you order one poster, or five, you will only be charged $9.95.


Important information:

Please allow 10-14 days for handling and shipping. We cannot accept returns as we are using an off-shore on-demand print service. Even though the posters are packaged very well in strong tubes, if the posters do arrive damaged, we can help with a replacement. Please contact us ASAP for help.

Modern Age 1850-2030 AD - Printed Timeline Poster



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